STAY TUNED FOR 2025 metalesque fest info!
Since 2016, ​Metalesque Fest has been held annually in October and features burlesque, drag, aerial, circus & performance arts, pole dance, fire, and more, all set to metal.​

Video for Metalesque Fest 2018 created by Watson Cinematics
Featuring Johnny Nuriel, Isaiah Esquire, Rocket Queen, Hai Fleisch, Wanda Bones, Miss Abigail Rhys, Hyacinth Lee, Pearl E. Gates, Dee Dee Pepper, Diamondback Annie, Natasha Riot, Nikki Lev, Nina Nightshade, Rummy Rose & Sly Violet!​
"This Fest is hands down one of the best & unique festivals I've ever been in.
It was an evil & metal sundae in the most delicious combo .... thank you (S.O.T.B.) for bringing me out to experience this black obsidian jewel of a festival!! I’m so inspired by all the metal acts I saw - funny, sexy to wonderfully weird. I heard metal songs that I never thought one could dance to, and I saw costumes that I never thought one could pair with metal! You bad bitches have inspired me to dig deeper in hell and create darker acts! Long live Sign of the Beast Burlesque!"
- Calamity Chang, 2019 Headliner
​​Our Metalesque Fest Logo, Branding & Promotional Materials were funded in part by the

​METALESQUE FEST® is a registered trademark of
Sign of the Beast Burlesque LLC